Sunday, February 21, 2010

A ‘Net Loss!!

One of the major stumbling blocks for anyone trying to start up a vibrant and profitable business on the internet is that there is a major focus on just one area – money!

There’s no doubt that having unlimited amounts of money is VITALLY important to a person’s well-being; the stress-free nature of people who are not panicking about paying their bills gives testimony to this.

This blog title includes the term “making your living online”! It could so easily have been many other things:-
How to Make your Living Online;
Make Money Online;
Make Money Easily Online;
Make Money the Easy Way using the Internet;
The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches!!

Get the idea?

This is all fantastic! The freedom that money gives you is priceless! To be able to spend your one-and-only life as YOU wish to is valuable beyond the appreciation of most people!

BUT! There are many other areas that are overlooked! The people selling all the “how-to” information are so totally focused on selling biz-opps, that they are missing the point of having the money.

The point is “lifestyle”.
Choosing what you’re going to do each day.
Living where you want in the house that you want.
Driving the car that you want.
Not being tied to a desk or work bench.
Not having to sit for hours in traffic snarl-ups.
Not having to commute AT ALL.
Not having an inept boss telling you what to do and when.
Being able to jump on a plane at a moment’s notice to go see a bit of the world.
Getting up at lunchtime if that’s what you want.
“Working” in your pyjamas.
Being able to philosophise, i.e. learning the meaning of life!

This blog is about “The Lifestyle” It’s about getting you the money you’ll need that’s for sure. But then what? If you need to know something to make your spare time more fulfilling and enjoyable, that’s here also;
Do you want to be a great tennis player? (There are (or soon will be) short cuts to excellence right here;
Want to play great violin? (It’ll be here sooner or later!)
Want to learn Spanish? (It’ll be here some place!)

There are so many things you can do and learn when you’re FREE! YOU choose! It’s your life. Enjoy it!!

If the “Spanish” mention above has got you intrigued, go here:-

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Health & Fitness

I suppose this entire blog is about “lifestyle”!

Whether you need more money, better health, to play a sport better, travel more or anything that you really want to do, this is the place to get ideas to help you achieve that lifestyle!

Health is epitomised by a strong, fit looking physique. The classic six-pack is an icon that so many men want but fail to get! Woman love fit guys as well!

So how does someone achieve a great body in a “short-cut” way?

Click on this:-
and see what it can do for your body.

If it’s a weight-loss program you’re looking for then this link:-
will show “The Diet Solution”; a great way to get the weight you want to be.

Keep reading.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Focus and finish

Ever Get the Feeling You’re Being Left Behind?

Anyone who’s spent any time wrestling with internet marketing techniques, with precious little return (of the financial variety that is!) must know what this feels like.

You’ve bought this scheme & that.
You’ve bought software.
You’ve learnt web site building.
Traffic generation.
Drop shipping.

All you want is some uncomplicated way of replacing your income and make life easier. It can be done. It IS being done

Someone, somewhere (in fact, loads of people in loads of places) is making a killing using the ultimate sales machine. And even though your success rate so far has been less than your chances of stopping a Japanese car, you still feel in your gut that it’s possible!

And it is. Believe it.

The so-called “Gurus” are great at keeping you dangling; great at selling you more & more of their misleading information.

But the recipe for success is quite straightforward

Just keep it simple.
Follow a proven-to-be-successful system.
Exclude everything that is not included in the system.
Just KEEP doing the things that must be done.
Don’t quit, because then you’re a genuine failure.
"Focus and finish" is your new mantra.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Successful Sex & Love-Making!!

The Secret to Pleasing Your Woman!!

These questions are aimed primarily at the guys:- Are you happy that, when it comes to sex, you are a good lover? Do you care that your woman is satisfied after you’ve had sex? Would you wonder who she was talking about if she said that you were dazzling between the sheets (or anywhere else?)

There’s no doubt about it – to have a satisfying and fulfilling sex-life with the woman of your dreams is one of the MOST important aspects of a healthy life (and probably the most overlooked!!) And if you want to KEEP her for any length of time, you’d better be damn sure that she wants for nothing when she’s “in the mood!”

More women give up on their relationships because of crap sex, than any other reason!!

Those ancient Chinese adepts had the right idea; they could “keep it up and keep on going” all night long!! No exaggeration! Your woman has every right to get this kind of sex and she wants that sex from YOU!!

You know the answer to this question (there’s no denying the truth!) Are you capable of giving your lady the kind of sex that she would rarely dare believe is possible?

If you can, best of luck to you; you’re the kind of caring guy that deserves the good things in life!
If you can’t; if you’re an overweight slob with miniature private parts, then pull yourself together and get a copy of a book that’s going to start turning you into a King in the bedroom!

And er, also guys, you could do a lot worse than click the following link, buy it and read it!! (Just might be the best present you ever gave HER;-))

The Secret to your Success

You’re probably sick to the back teeth of titles like the one above; I’d be willing to bet you’ve been told how easy it can be to make lots of money, or get the love of your life, or get your dream house, car, or live debt-free, or whatever! Right?

I’d also be willing to bet you’re nowhere nearer to achieving your desires than you ever were before. You’ve bought this scheme and that scam. You’ve paid, maybe thousands of $’s, £’s, €’s (or whatever your currency is!) to find that the thing you’ve bought doesn’t do anything near to what the advert told you it would! Serious “buyer’s remorse” kicks in and you seek a refund. And your quest goes on. Right?

You must, by now, have wondered why “they” seem to be able to “make it”, while you can’t even catch the crumbs from their tables! The Secret (sorry if there’s a trademark infringement there folks, but there are only so many words in the English language that can be used!!) is within! And you’ve probably had that thrust down your throat too, right?

What’s happening is this. All those guys and gals that ARE making their piece of the pie have got a fantastic ally to assist them on their path. It’s an old piece of “software”, billions of years old, that programs each and every one of us to keep doing all the things that we always have, or recently learned to do. It gives us an image of ourselves and our place in the world and helps us, as near as possible to survive another day.

It uses information based on our beliefs to keep us as close as it can to the way we have always been. The logic is that you survived yesterday, so if you do the same things today, you’ll survive again. (Unfortunately, the life you find yourself in may be complete crap; it’s time to change!)

It’s called “The Subconscious”. You’ve heard of it no doubt. It constantly monitors what we say, do and think and it compares all this with its own, stored beliefs and images. If you have an idea that is WAY outside what you normally think, it will do its utmost to stop it dead! As your new idea is something that your inner mind has had no experience of, it will resist it’s inclusion in your make-up. This is because you survived yesterday without it, so you’ll survive very well today if you carry on without it.

Your mind, in essence is not ACCUSTOMED to running your life with this new information, so it unceremoniously discards it! It will do whatever it feels necessary to “protect” you, (even if your life is currently filled with suffering and pain, it knows how to help you survive from one day to the next, so this is how it will keep things!)

Out of its fear of the unknown, it will make you sit when you want to stand; it will make you stand when you want to sit! It’s a bit like a spoilt child that’s scared of “change”. It doesn’t understand how it will manage to keep you safe if you keep trying new things, so, it will make you feel unwell; or inadequate; or not “good enough”. It will make you feel “weak” and “small”! It will make you impatient toward doing things that you need to do that you know will help you. It will make you feel as if you need to hide or “run to mummy!” It will try to “trip” you up and disturb you. It will find all sorts of distractions. It will instil as many feelings of discomfort and insignificance in you as it can until you “toe the line” and make you keep on doing what you always did! (It’s VERY clever; it wants you to survive!

Imagine if its power was on your side (which is VERY “do-able!” Just read on…..) Eventually though, if you are persistent, it will see that you are sincere and it will start to help! It will make you feel powerful and strong! Confident and capable. All the things you’ll need to succeed will be made available within you.

“Successful” people have all this. But in their case, the inner mind has seen sufficient occasions where these “new” ideas are acceptable and it can work them into their make-up! So when they see something they want, their inner mind actually HELPS them to achieve it!! The two parts of their minds become, are somehow sychronised!

So! What can you do to “train” your inner being to help you?
- Recognize the feelings! Know where they stem from and why they are there! (It’s just your inner programming trying to look after you!
- Know that these feelings are short-term, if you are consistent in your desire to have the changes. Eventually, your inner mind will stop resisting you.

You can achieve this, in as little as 21 days!! Consistently tell yourself that you will have the things that you want and, almost miraculously, situations and circumstances will arise that will make them happen for you. Your inner mind will bring to you all the things that you really want; all you have to be is sincere in your desires. Your personal miracles are being fashioned for you – by your very own inner mind!! Even your nearest-and-dearest, who up 'til now probably thought you were an idiot for wasting your time and money, will start to say and do things that support your dreams and ambitions. Somehow, your mind is influencing the minds of the people around you! Opportunity presents itself to you frequently and those people who would scam you, somehow leave you alone. Life becomes a series of easily achieved miracles.

So to re-iterate, the reason you’re still searching and trying to succeed is that you’re greatest friend is still not fully on your side. I believe that one of the major problems with books like “The Secret” is that they are too long and complicated. You start the book full of good feelings about the way things are going to be, but somehow you get side-tracked and eventually give up.

Part of my mission with these posts is to get you to realise how simple it can be to believe in your abilities and reach for the stars. Get the inner mind on your side and you’ll get EVERYTHING you want!

It won't matter how many "get rich" programs you buy, you can, and probably will fail! But change how your mind works .....

You're going to need to get some new info in your life, that's for sure. I've come across this from Bob Proctor, one of the foremost success mentors the world has ever known. Click the link and get it; it'll be one of the best investment decisions you ever made - an investment in YOU, I promise!!

Always remember - what you expect to happen always happens! - Brian Tracy.

The Secret to "The Dream"!!

Frustrated with your life's LACK of success?

Do you have to "make do" and mend because you can't afford to buy new stuff?

Do you panic before the mail arrives in case there's another large bill in there?

Are you tired of watching others driving the best cars, living in the best houses and going to the nicest places on holiday?

Really p***ed off that the latest biz opp is simply CRAP – even more wasted time & money?

Then this is the place for you. Success is not that hard to achieve. It's just that when you're struggling through life everyday, it seems like it's a million miles away. Here, we’ve sifted & sorted through some of the best (and worst) ways of achieving success in all ways!

Now that you've found this blog, you're VERY close to starting to achieve the life you deserve!! This will give you the flying start you need to get the lifestyle you deserve. That lifestyle is possible when you have sufficient money to do what you want WHEN you want.

The internet gives an opportunity to become wealthy beyond your dreams, an opportunity that simply didn't exist just 20 years ago. Now, some very ordinary people, with little formal education or any great talent, are able to generate fantastic incomes in a very short time, and YOU can join them, have no doubt!

And have no fear that I'm going to tell you "this" & "that", giving you SO much stuff to read and watch, that your brain blows up!! What I'll tell you about are the things you need to generate an income that grows into job-replacement money, in as short a time as possible. You won't be inundated with schemes that require you to sit through dozens of videos and read multi-hundred page manuals that do nothing but turn you off!

So, with that in mind, it has to be said that blogging provides a superb way to start generating the money you'll need. It has evolved into a very easy way of getting your thoughts in front of potential customers without the need for a website, hosting etc. Have a click on this:-
it's an excellent way of getting started in blogging for profit.

A great way to get traffic to your blog is Article Marketing. Don't groan!! This method is far from dead; in fact there are few more effective ways of getting free visitors to your blog or website.

Click on this:-
Submit to article directories
it will show you how to get started in Article Marketing and how to get your articles spread out in lots of places where they can be seen.

As time goes on, you’ll find more posts here showing how to live a life of achievement in many areas.

Visit often!